Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ode to inanimate objects

Earlier this evening I was browsing in my room and went to the window to take a look at the building architecture outside my window, as I'll be using it for an art project for my portfolio, and to my delight I spotted my brother on the balcony playing the guitar. Since the windows were closed and I had nothing better to do I decided I was going to, being the mature lady that I am, throw objects at him until I scared him and/or called his attention, so I quickly scatter my room for a useless object that I wouldn't miss if it flew out the window. I know my room is full of them.. everyday as I'm raking through my drawers I throw up piles of useless objects that I think.. where did it come from, what is it for, and why is it here? Everybody has it, right? So the first thing I see it a useless old chapstick that is sitting ontop of my TV without a cap, so I figure it's probably dried up and no longer efective. Just to make sure I dabbed it a little and found it to be surpringly moist. I tried using it and was a little carried away by its buttery taste, which was enough to convince me I might have use for it seeing as how we still are in winter. Next, I check inside a pot and clutched against old bracelets, european coins, and extra led for my pencils, I find a what appeared to be an old thermometer burried and forgotten probably somewhere around the beginning of summer. I poked around curiously to see if it still worked, and 7 minutes after thermometer amusement I discovered it is still quite accurate. Fun fact, my belly button is 32ºC. Moving on from my bellybutton, I realized how difficult it was to find something that had absolutley no use. Wall magnets, tiny japanese bells, salmon pink Flamingo figured souvenirs from Sugarland, Texas, old meaningful fortune cookie tags, one rechargable battery, sharpeners, lost earings, I feel like it all will come in handy sooner or later. Oh the mortal attatchment to material is a curious thing. Before that I thought I was pretty passive on this stuff, but I'm only human.

Aside from that, my art porfolio is coming along quite well. I started it this morning and have 5 drawings that I'm pretty proud of although they are not the best. The fact that I finished them all in a day shows thriving will, no? Well, anwyays..
I'll post them later, I need some feedbacks. For now I'm going to finish some sketches, between Yogurt, tea, and avacados, yogurt, tea, avacados.. and some Ice chips. And of course, my trusty, back-from-the-dead mini Ipod.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Food and Self-Esteem

Although this clearly points out to be a very 'me' like subject, it's meerly an over view of an event that boosted (contrary to the popular effect this has on me) my self-esteem a little.

I don't have much patience for the market, for some reason long isles of repeated types of food in different containers just gets me confused and dizzy. So, I make my parents a little list of the items i judge necessary for the month, and they take my list and use it as toilet paper, clearly, because there is never any food for me at home, which wouldn't be so much of a problem if my parents didn't survive of cheese and old bread. Anywhom, seeing as how I was feeling sick as a dog and there were no sweet loving parents at home to make me soup or anything of the sort, I took a trip to the market downstairs (the only good part about living where I live). First off, I thank god I have my parents to do my groceries because the day that responsiblity shines on me I'm afraid myself and/or roomates will die of ill-nutrition and lack of vitamins. Either way.. I just made for the soup isle and obviously had to stop to by my Paçoquinhas, which for the record is a brazilian pastry sort-of-thing made of peanuts and calories. And lots of them. So I stop and think, I need something sweet but I'm also not feeling to great about myself and should probably cut back on some of the calories. So I browse the market for a while, and this is just a comment aside, strangely enough there was someone behind me the whole time rolling oranges into my isle. I still have no idea who that was. Anyways, I stop quickly in the fruit section and decide I want pomegranets, and if I have any other fruit, ill just be expecting pomegranets and wont be happy with anything else. I then decided that Pomegranates don't exist in Brazil. So I ventured over to the plums, glared swiftly at the price, and skipped on to the next fruit. Nothing seemed to please me after the pomegranate idea, so I decided to take a look in other sections. The tea section is always interesting, they had organic cookies with soy and castanhas, and I hate castanhas, and the others all fruit flavored, and if you know me, you know I detest fruit flavoring. I screwed the whole thing and went back to the fruits to look for the paçoquinha I abandonned and made for the line. Halfway through the line I realized I would probably be thirsty and went back to look for something to drink. Of course soda is out of the question, so I searched for juice. I wanted grapefruit juice, origianally, but then I remembered the effect that grapejuice had on me after the week I spent with strep-throat drinking only grapefruit juice and now everytime I drink it, my throat hurts and my head begins to pound. Its all psycological, but uncomfortable none the less. So I settled for Mango juice, and although I love mangos, I'm not to crazy about the juice brand they had. I looked at it questionably, and decided to trade it in for water. So far I had tomato soup, paçoquinha, and water. I think that'd do, so I got in line. Again somewhere along the line I felt the paçoquinhas waying my basket down, and somewhat waying me down and I felt guilty for my diet and left it along the way ontop of some dorito stand.

I know the market looks like a place of many options, but when you think about you can eliminate 40% of the market space that contains books, DVDs, clothes, plates, games, and electronics. One Isle of alcohol, one Isle of soda, two isles of pure fat evil in the form of delicious chips and chocolate, one isle of useless flours, another of birthday material. A whole section of breads and cakes, three of frozen foods and ice cream. That leaves a section of fruits and an isle of tea for those who like me are cutting down on the crap to somehow attempt to feel atleast a little better when in a bikini.

I got to the cashier and the lady was a 30 year old beastly bulging blimp of a woman no offense intended. How she fit into her chair or in her little square completley escapes the laws of physics. Her teeth portruded from her mouth and each took a separate direction making her look like a native jamaican tree eater. Her hair was somewhere between scraps of hair you find in the vacume cleaner sewn together to somehow portray a wig, and a cat scratching pole in the form of an egg nest. It just sat on the top of her head like a little ball of ugly. All together she looks like something youd see in a Butt Ugly Martians episode. It then came to me clear as crystal. Things could be worse.