Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In general

Today after a very long day of 5:00 lunches due to oversleeping, coffee and house hunting, we settled down in a cozy neigborhood bar downtown and had acouple of beers. Correction, André had a couple of beers due to my patheticness in all that is drinking and related.. I settled on my one cup and ending pack of cigarettes. Somewhere in this we began a dialogue on the reasons we should run away from this country. We mutually decided that in any case being in such a city as New York or London doesn't really require an explination. As the conversation depthend a certain hidden nostalgia grew fiercly in me to the point in which I longed for anything as incomplex as a familiar smell, such as a winter pine tree, cold and sharp to the throat.
As soon as I arrived home I was lucky enough to catch Vanessa online. She was telling me about her upcoming move to Brazil and offered me her job in Holland as an Au Pair, as she knew I had been searching for a job abroad since I can remember. Although at the moment I long for my beloved California, Europe does not sound bad at all. Infact, I miss the long sidewalks and the tall houses. I miss having a reason to wear three coats and go out for coffee under a grey abyss just to feel the exoticness of my newfound freedom. Yes, I could very well settle for Holland at a time like this. For now, I will go off to make myself some breakfast and get prepped up for my little trip to the orphanage. Doing what I can where I can for now..

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