Thursday, September 24, 2009


First off, I have just decided to move my blog, mostly because my old one had about 100 useless posts that I am too langurous to revise and/or delete. On the other hand I've been far too neglective of this to pick up where I had left off. But to recommence on a new a page.. here is my current latitude.

If one does not know to which port one is sailing to, no wind is favorable. Indeed.

Today is the day before my birthday. Technically speaking, it is 5 hours exactly untill my birthday(Currently 19:01), and I find myself in a similar position to which I have been for a past 48 hours, and that is situated on a table surrounded by cigarettes, books and questionable brazilian candies I picked up at an equally questionable corner store.. attempting to revise my scholastic history in hopes to find something presentable enough to include in applications for college. Just as I had expected. Essays and questionaires all resuming up to that same question, "Why do you feel you are eligable to enter our school?"
Oh, how I wish I could be propper honest.
Dear Sir or Madam, to whom it may concern. I most probably am not currently eligable to attend your school of high expectancies and great talent (I am leaning heavily towards the Brooks Institute). Infact, my reasons to want to attend your college are purely, or atleast heavily, depthless. I want my own dorm, first of all. And not because I want my own room to declare any type of independence, although that does intregue me, no. I want more than anything to wake up drowned in responsibilities and possibly unfinished book assignments due the day before and look at myself in the mirror knowing the consequences are purely mine, forcing me to take on my own liability, which currently I do not possess. Strongly recomended at my age, I know.
Secondly, any project, obstacle, or challenge presented to me during this time would be strictly constructive to me as an aspiring artist; photographer etc. I must say I enjoy the defiance and find it fully self-constructive. Also, to be in an in enviornment in which people around me are placed on the same track would give me the determination I feel I need to outstand. Honestly I see college more as a challenge than constructive learning. Not to demean the teachings. Its why we go to college, of course. To learn, to build, and to eventually be eligable for a job. Burocratically speaking of course, our college diploma is the material proof that we can be trusted with our material and what we have to offer. This will be needed, I am aware.
Lastly, and the most depthless, opt to bare. In my freshman year of highschool, I was lucky enough to cross paths with an amazing English Litterature teacher, Mr. Richard Branson. Besides teaching me grammar and litterature, he had an effect on me that little teachers have had in my whole life. He made me stride to be an interesting person, and not because of his persistance, but rather the lack there of. He placed in each of our hands a notion of self-respect and self-image by demeaning our own. He was rather careless to anything we said out of context and looked at us with a face that struck us in 10 different places. Like this, every word he said burned in our brains in hopes that they would be teaching us something we would take with us forever. When he spoke of college, he allowed a rare air of nostalgia to reign his eyes and something about him shone.
"Do you honestly believe you have to go to college? The answer is no. You do not have to go to college. College is an option that many people do not opt for. But if you asked me, I would say.. go to college. Not because of the acedemic build-up it offers, but just because they will probably be the best years of your life."
Yes, I go to college. However, I hardly consider living with my parents and having them take me to school from 7:00 - 10:40 "College". To me, the brazilian college curriculum is laughable.
Please, Brooks Institute, pull me out of my academic misery and accept my pathetic essay of acceptance.
Thank you.

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